Benefits of coffee

Are you “addicted” to coffee? You’re not alone. According to a study by the National Coffee Association, 64% of Americans drink coffee every day. Interestingly, Finland is the country with the world’s most significant per-capita coffee consumption with a whopping 12 kg per year. Followed by other Northern European countries such as Norway (9.9), Iceland (9), and Denmark (8.7). Also see : cheap wordpress hosting services 2020 All these countries score high on the Country Happiness Index — a coincident? We’ll look into the correlation between coffee consumption and mood in a little bit. Coffee has not always been considered a healthy beverage, but recent studies show that it can help your health in many different ways. Here the most important health benefits: Coffee is packed with healthy nutrients such as Riboflavin Niacin Folate Calcium Magnesium Potassium Manganese Antioxidants Interestingly, espresso has an even higher concentration o...